Discover your True Self with deep Soul Retrieval & activation of the Third Eye: A Journey of Self-Discovery & Expansion.


What you’ll learn

Course Content




Welcome to the Soul Retrieval & Human Empowerment course!

Here you will find everything you need to understand and practice soul retrieval, with the guidance and support of Linda Adesh.


Have you ever felt a sense of emptiness or disconnection from your true self?

This can be a result of soul loss, which occurs when fragments of our soul become trapped in the past or present due to traumatic experiences or events in our lives. The result is a diminished sense of well-being and a feeling of unbalanced suffering.

Soul retrieval is a powerful healing practice that aims to restore balance and well-being to individuals who have experienced soul loss. In this course, you will learn the principles and techniques of soul retrieval, including the benefits and potential outcomes of the practice.


What is Soul Retrieval?

During the course of a human life, our physical, mental, emotional, and soul bodies may experience trauma and difficult situations that can lead to soul loss. This can result in an unbalanced and suffering existence. If you find yourself neglecting your inner truth, struggling with focus, feeling powerless, having difficulty coping with life, living in the past or future, or experiencing negative thoughts and overreactions, this may be a sign of a fragmented soul. This course will help you restore and empower yourself through the healing process.


If you find yourself to be:


This may be a sign of a fragmented soul.  This course will help you restore and empower yourself through the healing process.

This online course provides guidance, instructions and support to clear out and release what is not yours, and bring back your soul to live a fulfilling and strong human life. A natural state of human life is harmonious, characterized by joy, peace and inspiration.

Following the training, you will have the tools to continue practicing soul retrieval on your own.


Who is this course for?

Important: This training is for you that has the capacity to hold yourself through the healing process.

If you have deep depression or are deeply unbalanced, then It’s recommended for you to seek for 1 to 1 professional sessions instead.




1. Introduction

2. Signs of Soul Loss

This module focuses on helping you understand the signs and symptoms of soul loss, and how it can negatively impact your daily life. You will be introduced to the concept of fragmentation of the soul and how it affects the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. The module includes exercises and practices that help track life trauma and its impact on the human system. By the end of this module, you will have a better understanding of how to identify and address soul loss, and take the first steps towards reclaiming your soul.


3. Why do you experience Soul Loss


4. Where does the Fragmented Soul go?

You will learn about the fragmented soul and have an experience of where the fragmented soul is kept until the human system is ready to embrace the hurtful event.


5. Recap Luminous Soul Body & Activation Third Eye


6. Steps for Retrieving the Lost Soul

This module provides an overview of the process for reclaiming one’s lost soul and restoring balance and fulfillment in life. It covers the essential steps to be taken and practices to be followed in order to facilitate a successful soul retrieval.


7. Full Soul Retrieval Ceremony including Opening a Sacred Space & Ascended Masters


        Trust your intuition

        Creating a Sacred Space and connecting to Divine Support


8. Instant Soul Retrieval through altered states of consciousness

A direct approach with no preparation required to reunite with your soul

9. Empowering the Human Experience


10. Closing words

11. Additional content – Connect with your soul

– Deep Soul Meditation: connect with your soul and find deep sense of recovering

– Discovering more about human body, mind, emotions and the soul body


With Love,

Linda Adesh

Awakening-School & Kärra Ashram