Java for the Real World

A tour of the major frameworks and tools used in corporate Java applications

So you’ve just got your first Java development job out of school or you’re an experienced developer using Java for the first time. You know how to write code, but do you understand the Java landscape, tools, and frameworks used in real world applications?

What you’ll learn

Course Content


So you’ve just got your first Java development job out of school or you’re an experienced developer using Java for the first time. You know how to write code, but do you understand the Java landscape, tools, and frameworks used in real world applications?

This course bridges the gap between understanding Java the language and understanding the Java ecosystem. You will get an overview of the major tools and frameworks in use today from a Java professional with over 10 years of industry experience.

After completing this course, you will have the knowledge to jump into your first application with confidence.

Note: I have manually corrected 100% of the captions to help Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and English as a second language learners.