Complete Guide to Azure Kubernetes Service – Elastic & K8S

Learn Azure Kubernetes Service by deploying real world application like Elasticsearch, Kibana.

Kubernetes is a buzz word, whosoever deals managing multiple containers and think of better orchestrating the containers. Kubernetes is the platform, however Kubernetes is not an easy to learn, this course has been tailor made to keep the course really simple and easy.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Kubernetes is a buzz word, whosoever deals managing multiple containers and think of better orchestrating the containers. Kubernetes is the platform, however Kubernetes is not an easy to learn, this course has been tailor made to keep the course really simple and easy.

This course helps you learn Kubernetes fundamentals right from scratch,  Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) makes deploying and managing containerised applications easy. It offers serverless Kubernetes, backed by power of Azure leveraging features like Active Directory to control fine grained access on who has access to what.

How the course is shaped?


This course is one of the few in the marketplace, where it is being regularly updated almost realtime basis as soon as the publisher launch any new set of feature, we make sure learner enrolling into the course get the best out of the content.

We also as a team strive be  customer focused by making sure whatever queries are being put on direct messages or in community, we try to get back to the learner within 24 hours if not early, there have been scenarios where in our instructors have been on screen sharing session with the users and helped them solving the problems.