Learn Threading with c#

Build Scalable and Multi-Threaded Applications with Easiness

*** THE COURSE DOES NOT COVER ASYNC/AWAIT, TASKS AND LOCKS. Check my other curse Learn Parallel Programming with the c# for greater details.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


*** THE COURSE DOES NOT COVER ASYNC/AWAIT, TASKS AND LOCKS. Check my other curse Learn Parallel Programming with the c# for greater details.

This course covers more than the basics for Threads and Threading with the c# and the latest .NET Core 5 framework. The course covers the following topics.

The course deep dives into greater details through simplicity, examples and explanations. What you are going to learn under this course is production applicable immediately in your projects.

You can use this course as your dictionary for Threads, PLINQ programming because the material and source code is structured very well for you to find anything you need related to the subject.