How to build Web 3.0 apps with No-code?

Web3 Crash Course: The Essentials

There are a lot of Web3 buzz words flying around at the moment, but what does it all mean?
Blockchain, Bitcoin, NFTs, Social Tokens, DAOs…

What you’ll learn

Course Content


There are a lot of Web3 buzz words flying around at the moment, but what does it all mean?

Blockchain, Bitcoin, NFTs, Social Tokens, DAOs…

It takes time to break these down and understand how they work and in this course, we’ll talk in detail about these topics and how they can be applied to real-life scenarios, and how we expect they’ll impact our lives.

So far, I have three takeaways on Web 3.0:

  1. This is the most important tech trend since the Internet came out
  2. It’s changing fast, and you need to have a strong understanding of the fundamentals to keep up with new things that get launched every day
  3. The space is really confusing: you need a smart friend to explain that stuff to you


Josh and I are going to be your smart friends on this journey.

This course is a comprehensive yet concise collection of video lessons to take you from zero to Web3 leader.
We’ll provide real business examples and introductions to no-code tools you can use to build your web3 apps.

Course overview:

Hours of video tutorials covering the key foundations of web3 you need to understand before you start building.

Tips and tricks, recommendations of how to get started with no-code.

Where it does and doesn’t make sense to use web3 technologies in your app

Introduction to some web3 projects we absolutely love

Guides and resources for continuing your learning journey and troubleshooting.

You’ll benefit from this if…

You’re just looking for a quick crash course in web3 and how it can apply to real businesses

You have an idea for a web3 app but don’t know how to make it yourself

You’ve got an existing web2 app and you’re wondering how you can inject some web3

You want to solidify your web3 knowledge, learn some awesome tips and tricks, and see how you could use no-code tools available today to build your app in days.