CI/CD with Oracle Visual Builder Studio

Learn about Oracle VB Studio, its projects, components, roles, Jobs, Pipelines CI/CD of VB & Integrations

This course is designed to teach you the Oracle Visual Builder Studio(VB Studio) that will help you to do CI/CD of your web/mobile application, Integrations, etc. This course starts with the introduction of the Oracle VB Studio, and its feature, and discussed various navigations of the VB Studio.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


This course is designed to teach you the Oracle Visual Builder Studio(VB Studio) that will help you to do CI/CD of your web/mobile application, Integrations, etc. This course starts with the introduction of the Oracle VB Studio, and its feature, and discussed various navigations of the VB Studio.

This course will help you to understand why Oracle VB Studio is important and why should we use it. We’ll help you to set up the VB Studio instance, and access it using the OCI console.

This course is designed in such a manner so that you can do your CI/CD process independently without any help required.

The following topics are covered as part of this course:


After completing this course, you will become proficient in the Oracle VB Studio and can work independently without any help.


Enjoy this course and keep posting your questions for any issues/concerns.