Best practices & advanced TypeScript tips for React devs

Are you a React developer trying to get the most benefits from TypeScript? Then this is the course for you.

In this interactive course I am going to show you how you can get more out of using TypeScript when developing React applications.

What you’ll learn

  • How to get the most out of TypeScript when writing React applications.
  • Configure TypeScript in an even stricter mode.
  • Validate data in a TypeScript friendly way at the application boundary.
  • Use better constructs then casting to inform TypeScript about the types used.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 4 lectures • 18min.
  • Assignments –> 16 lectures • 3hr 12min.
  • Conclusion –> 1 lecture • 3min.

Best practices & advanced TypeScript tips for React devs


In this interactive course I am going to show you how you can get more out of using TypeScript when developing React applications.


Using some simple techniques and settings will help a lot in how TypeScript can check our application code. And when TypeScript can do a better job of checking out code it will catch many more potential error and reducing the amount of runtime bugs. One of the main benefits of getting TypeScript to do this is a short feedback cycle. Seeing potential bugs when you are writing the code and being able to address those immediately is much more productive then doing so months later when a user reports that bug in production. And a bug that never reaches production makes for happy users a other stake holders 🙂


We will start at the basics and examine the pros and cons of different ways you can declare React components using TypeScript. After that we will move to more advanced concepts where we will go beyond the strict setting of TypeScript. You will learn when to use types like any, unknown and never. We will explore the use of type predicates, guards and exhaustive checking. You will learn about the built-in mapped types as well as how to create your own new type map utilities. And we will start programming in the TypeScript type system using conditional types and type inferring.


After this course you will be able to make you applications much more reliable.

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