Angularjs Live Project

Angularjs full project end to end implementation for Asp.Net (MVC or Web APIs) developers with EF Code First approach

Angularjs-WebApi2-EFCodeFirst Web App On 3-Tier Architecture

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Angularjs-WebApi2-EFCodeFirst Web App On 3-Tier Architecture

Q : Are you really excited to learn how to develop an n-Tier arch web application using Angularjs, Asp.Net Web API, jQuery, Bootstrap, C#.Net, Entity
Framework Code First and MS SQL Server?

A: Then you are at right place and you are going to learn it here with me from scratch..

In this course we are going to learn how to break
requirements into objects and find relation among them. We will then
learn coding models out of this objects and relationships. Moving
forward we will also see how to design arch. of the project and
implement various layers.

We are going to learn
implementation of business object layer using POCO and data
access layer using repository design pattern and Entity Framework Code First. We will use C#.Net to implement our business logic layer and wrap it up with Asp.Net Web API so that it can be consumed by any client. We are also going to secure our web apis.

For user interface we will see Angularjs, jQuery and
Bootstrap. We will learn how bootstrap makes our application
responsive.We will also see how to implement custom sorting and paging.
Moving ahead you will learn forms validations and business rules
validations as well. We will also learn how to publish it on web.

This project is an EIS – Employee Information System

This Web-based information system is designed to allow you to view and maintain your employee information throughout the year. You should use this system to maintain your complete information on employee record.

This is an n-tier Single Page Application (SPA) built on .Net platform using various technologies for various layers as given below

User Interface: AngularJS1 and BootStrap

Service Layer: Asp.Net Web API

Business Logic Layer: C#.Net

Data Access Layer: Entity Framework Code First

Back End: MS SQL Server 2016

Tools: Visual Studio 2015 and SQL Server Management Studio 2016