The Real Effects of Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

Discover how creating a diverse and inclusive work environment can increase profitability

We all use our upbringing, experiences, and values to filter daily interactions and to make sense of our surroundings and environment. This is normal human behavior. At times, the filter is at work consciously, but the filter is also operating unconsciously. This is what we call unconscious bias.This course explores the concept of unconscious bias and addresses the impact it has on building and retaining a diverse and inclusive workplace where people of all backgrounds can thrive. In the workplace, unconscious bias can affect hiring, promotions, evaluations, dismissals, customer service, sales, revenue, profits – and in the healthcare sector – even patient care and safety. There are two categories of bias in studies today: conscious or explicit biases and unconscious or implicit biases. Unconscious bias is usually thought of as social stereotypes that typically focus on others that are not from the same conscious area. Here are some quick facts about unconscious bias:

What you’ll learn

  • • Define various types of unconscious biases..
  • • Identify where these biases come from and how they are engrained in our decision making..
  • • Successfully confront unconscious biases individually..
  • • Identify the effects of unconscious biases in the workplace..
  • • Identify the steps for handling an unconscious bias-based complaint at work..

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 12 lectures • 58min.

The Real Effects of Unconscious Bias in the Workplace


We all use our upbringing, experiences, and values to filter daily interactions and to make sense of our surroundings and environment. This is normal human behavior. At times, the filter is at work consciously, but the filter is also operating unconsciously. This is what we call unconscious bias.This course explores the concept of unconscious bias and addresses the impact it has on building and retaining a diverse and inclusive workplace where people of all backgrounds can thrive. In the workplace, unconscious bias can affect hiring, promotions, evaluations, dismissals, customer service, sales, revenue, profits – and in the healthcare sector – even patient care and safety. There are two categories of bias in studies today: conscious or explicit biases and unconscious or implicit biases. Unconscious bias is usually thought of as social stereotypes that typically focus on others that are not from the same conscious area. Here are some quick facts about unconscious bias:

o Unconscious bias is more common than the conscious or explicit bias.

o Unconscious bias may not concur with the conscious bias of an individual.

o Unconscious bias may be triggered by an event or situation.

During this course I hope to help participants identify and mitigate unhealthy unconscious bias in their organization, improve team relationships and perhaps morale, as well as begin to address issues with diversity in the workforce including policies, procedures, recruiting and hiring.

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